Creating Sanctuary : Passionate, Prosperous & Meaningful Living

by Catherine Hilker, Feng Shui and Human Design Expert

The Importance of Views

  Lately I've been really thinking about the importance of what we "see" day in and day out.  And "see" is in quotes because we  can easily become unconscious to our surroundings through our visual filtering systems.  Imagine if we didn't have a visual filtering...

Another Courageous Woman

I had the good fortune to be a guest on Lisa J. Smith's radio show again this week.  As many of you may know, I love the internet as evidenced by this blog, myspace, facebook, LinkedIn, Shelfari, etc!  I mention this because that's how I met Lisa...through the...

The Importance of Laughing

Recently I attended a collage workshop in Northern Michigan. (see post dated May 29) The morning I was scheduled to leave, I received some very shocking news about someone dear to my husband and me. The news was so shocking, I had a very difficult time packing and...

Cultivating Joy

I'm sitting in my office with the windows open listening to the birds chirp away. At the same time, I'm reminiscing about the Claudine Hellmuth Collage Discovery Workshop I attended this past weekend. (Check out my friend's blog to see some pictures catching...

Inner Feng Shui

Our inner world is reflected in our outer world. What we think and feel (conscious or not) and what we see and do becomes our reality. And we create our reality in our spaces and in our lives through these experiences whether we are aware or not. I was reminded of...

Feng Shui of Spring

After a long Michigan winter I am bursting with excitement of spring’s arrival. I am grateful for the warmer temperatures, the longer hours of daylight, and increased days of sunshine. And I’ve taken advantage of spring’s natural state which is growth and upward...

Manifesting and Clutter

I have always been fascinated by the process of creating what we desire into physical form. And my work with others often involves assisting them to do just that. It may be assisting someone in finding a new love or new job, increase financial prosperity or improve...

Manifesting & Forgiveness

  It may seem strange to have manifesting and forgiveness together in the subject line. In my experience, hanging on to an old hurt, a perceived injustice, or any form of victimization, blocks the full potential of creating my desires. It's as though I'm carrying...

Manifesting And Feng Shui

People often ask me why do feng shui. For me, feng shui is an important component and often-neglected aspect of holistic living. I say, “It’s like staying in your one room apartment when your family has grown to 4.” If your environment does not match your current life...