Creating Sanctuary : Passionate, Prosperous & Meaningful Living

People often ask me why do feng shui. For me, feng shui is an important component and often-neglected aspect of holistic living. I say, “It’s like staying in your one room apartment when your family has grown to 4.” If your environment does not match your current life situation, the healthy practices you employ may not be as effective and can inhibit you from being your personal best.

Another reason to employ feng shui is that it assists you in manifesting your dreams and desires. By creating an environment that visually and energetically matches who you are and where you are going, the likelihood of sustaining or creating your vision increases substantially. In this post, let’s explore just one way to use feng shui to support your goals.

What are your goals?

The first and most important aspect is identifying what you’d like to manifest. Take the time to delve into this area. Find a place that allows for a short time of quiet and introspection and take notes. For example, is it your desire to be in a relationship, find a new job, start a family, or take better care of yourself? Not knowing where you are going in life is like driving a car in unfamiliar territory without a map. You’ll get to your destination a lot faster with a mapped out route. 

Create a physical symbol of your dreams.

Once you’ve identified a dream or desire, create a physical symbol of it. One way to do this is to make a personal collage depicting words, ideas, photos, symbols, colors and attributes of your intention. This process takes you from the idea stage to the concrete stage of moving toward your objective. It is not important how big or elaborate your collage may be, but rather how accurate is it. In this situation, size does not matter (laugh)!

Energize your goals in a specific location in your environment.

Find a ‘power’ spot or a very visible location to create a manifestation ‘altar.’ Gather meaningful objects, spiritual symbols, photos, candles, etc., together with your collage for your altar. For example, if your desire is to take good physical care of yourself, you may create a collage that physically represents this vision. A health ‘altar’ may also hold a healthy plant, some natural beeswax candles, a bowl of fresh fruits and vegetables and be arranged on a nice cloth or placemat. Perhaps the power spot is the kitchen table. You get the idea.

Visualize Your Desire Coming True

Using the example of a ‘health’ altar on your kitchen table, sit at your altar each day and spend a few moments imagining yourself manifesting your dream. Light the candles, relax, and see or sense your future self enjoying your ‘new’ life. Imagine how vibrant you feel and how easy it is to follow healthy routines and practices. ‘See’ your interaction with others, and include as much detail as possible in your visualization practice. Offer prayers of thanksgiving as if you’ve already created your desires and are experiencing your new future. Then…

Let It Go

You may wish to do this practice for a few days or even a few weeks. At some point you will sense it is time to stop and let ‘nature’ take its course. Surrender to your higher source of power and trust the perfect solution will take shape. Detach from the actual outcome and be open to many possibilities. This step is critical because trying too hard can actually repel your desires. For me, this is the most difficult step. This step requires trust, patience and openness to accept results that you may not have been expected. It requires acceptance that whatever happens is perfect.

In summary, you may choose to use feng shui and your environment to consciously create what you deserve in life. Be clear and spend quality time with yourself to identify the goal. Once you are clear about your intentions, create a physical representation of your desire. Use your intuition to find a ‘power spot’ to showcase your objectives. Spend a few minutes each day at your ‘power spot’ and imagine the intended outcome with feelings, images, sensations and any other practice that works for you. When the time is right, let it all go.