Take the Heat Out of Summer

In Feng Shui, summer is a fire season, which means its hot temperatures make the fire element more intense. As with anything in life, too much of a good thing can be unhealthy. Let’s explore fire in more detail. The Energy of Fire Fire is vibrant, enthusiastic, warm...

Feng Shui Tip: Adding The Element of Water

My favorite element of nature is water. When I’m on the water, in the water, or near the water, I’m in heaven! I’m sure I’m not alone in my love of everything water. Water is our second home. Our planet is comprised mostly of it and we start off living in...

Feng Shui Tips: Aligning with the Cycle of Winter

In the northern hemisphere, we are moving into winter and the element of water. It’s quieter, darker, colder and a time to go inward with yin activities like resting, meditating, inner reflecting, etc. Here are some feng shui suggestions to align with the...