Creating Sanctuary : Passionate, Prosperous & Meaningful Living

by Catherine Hilker, Feng Shui and Human Design Expert

It is Alive!

“Science is saying that everything that vibrates possesses intelligence & everything vibrates. And there’s a central intelligence that everything vibrates to.” – Lynne McTaggert, from her book, “The Field” One of the three tenets of Feng Shui, everything is alive,...

Quicks Tips to Boost Vitality in Your Space

Autumn is a great time to tweak your space. As energy moves from the yang chi of summer to the yin chi of winter, now is a good time to pay attention to your space and make some simple changes. Ideally doing so before the arrival of the busy holiday season. Here are...

The Zen of Simplicity

"A simple life is its own reward" -- George Santayana The opposite of simplicity is complexity and a complex life is prone to too many responsibilities that create stress, anxiety and pressure. Our culture is rampant with complexities: too many choices, too much to...

Make Your Own Clearing Spray

Here's my personal favorite recipe for making my own clearing spray for my home using high quality essential oils. In a 4 oz spray bottle add: purified water 15 drops of Frankincense 15 drops of Peppermint 10 drops of Spruce 10 drops of Lavender And if you want to get...

Feng Shui Tips for Lighting

  Lighting has an important function in feng shui.In addition to providing illumination, lightingprovides comfort, safety, mood, ambiance, and can influence the chi quality. Poor lighteningdepletes personal chi and great lightening enhances it. To enhance comfort...

Feng Shui Elements For Personal Development

Use the element of wood to nourish confidence, personal freedom, drive and strategic planning. Use the element of fire to nourish enthusiasm, social activities, warmth, passion and charisma. Use the element of earth to nourish stability, grounding, a sense of...

Symbolism All Around

My nieces and I see specific times (like 11:11) almost every day and we will text each other when we randomly see those special numbers. (True story: my niece text me 11:11 while I was working on this post!) The special numbers remind me of the connection of...

Take the Heat Out of Summer

In Feng Shui, summer is a fire season, which means its hot temperatures make the fire element more intense. As with anything in life, too much of a good thing can be unhealthy. Let’s explore fire in more detail. The Energy of Fire Fire is vibrant, enthusiastic, warm...


  "There is nothing worth doing in life unless it is done with absolute commitment. It doesn't matter whether you love it or hate it, if you attempt anything half-heartedly you might as well not attempt it at all. Without commitment, action lacks power or...