Manifesting & Forgiveness

  It may seem strange to have manifesting and forgiveness together in the subject line. In my experience, hanging on to an old hurt, a perceived injustice, or any form of victimization, blocks the full potential of creating my desires. It’s as though...

Manifesting And Feng Shui

People often ask me why do feng shui. For me, feng shui is an important component and often-neglected aspect of holistic living. I say, “It’s like staying in your one room apartment when your family has grown to 4.” If your environment does not match your current life...

The Attracting Chi of Abundance

  In the previous post, I discussed gratitude as a means of cultivating prosperity consciousness. In this post, I’d like to expand the qualities that make us magnetic to wealth, prosperity, and abundance. The following bullets are some of those qualities....