Feng Shui Tips for Lighting

  Lighting has an important function in feng shui.In addition to providing illumination, lightingprovides comfort, safety, mood, ambiance, and can influence the chi quality. Poor lighteningdepletes personal chi and great lightening enhances it. To enhance comfort...

Feng Shui Elements For Personal Development

Use the element of wood to nourish confidence, personal freedom, drive and strategic planning. Use the element of fire to nourish enthusiasm, social activities, warmth, passion and charisma. Use the element of earth to nourish stability, grounding, a sense of...

Take the Heat Out of Summer

In Feng Shui, summer is a fire season, which means its hot temperatures make the fire element more intense. As with anything in life, too much of a good thing can be unhealthy. Let’s explore fire in more detail. The Energy of Fire Fire is vibrant, enthusiastic, warm...

Quick Feng Shui Tips for Buying a Home

Make sure the backyard does not slope away from the front yard, otherwise an adjustment to redirect chi is necessary. Avoid purchasing a home that sits directly in front of a T-Junction. Avoid purchasing a home that sits on property below grade to the main road (like...